A Blog by a Utah Sarcioid Fighter!

My reflections and journey day to day.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Just keep getting out of bed!

I find the best way to start my day is to get out of bed! Usually I feel like "death warmed over," but once I'm up, get dressed, and drive to the corner to get my Coke Zero, I feel partially human.  Then comes breakfast and my many, many medications.

Even though I hate the idea of taking medication (some that have serious side effects), they are keeping me relatively functional, keeping the pain to a minimum (sometimes), and making my life better.  I am so grateful for great health insurance that keeps me "drugged up" and pays my many doctor bills. I don't know what my life would be like without it.  I have been so blessed.

So, I guess this blog entry is what comes after a couple of bad weeks (because of flareups of sarcoidosis) of increased pain and with resultant lower level of function.

I am grateful to be through with the flareup for the most part and that I can "keep getting out of bed" each day!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

I love the therapy pool!

I just got home from doing pool therapy in a nice heated pool -- 96 degrees -- like being in a warm bathtub.

I haven't had the best week so far in terms of pain, in fact it has been horrible, but as soon as I got in that pool and warmed up my joints, I felt the best I had all week!  I felt light as a feather, free of pain and eager to do my pool exercises and get stronger!  I have sarcoid in my joints, especially my feet right now, and walking is extremely difficult for me, so to relieve that pressure and feel like I am doing something active and beneficial was wonderful! 

Thanks so much to my therapist Tina and her aide Mandy for offering this wonderful program!